My departure for Why, Arizona, is coming up in two weeks, and in the meantime I've been seeing a little more of New Mexico before I leave for the winter.
This past Wednesday, Steve and I drove up to Albuquerque to have dinner with my friend Joni Sugimura, whom I've known my entire life and who helped me immensely during my epic stay in San Francisco this spring. Joni was vacationing in the Southwest and was spending the last few days of her trip enjoying the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
We went out for barbecue that was finger-lickin' good. I was so enjoying the conversation and food that I forgot to take pictures, until we had already bid Joni farewell in the parking lot, so I only got the photo of the restaurant's sign above.

I did manage to get a picture of Steve driving his truck. This is a view I'll be seeing a lot of from now on.
Of course I could not go to Albuquerque without also doing some eBay shopping. We hit three thrift stores before meeting up with Joni, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience except for the crazy guy who kept wanting to talk to me wherever I went (and I'm not talking about Steve! Him, I like to talk to). I bought lots of cowboy shirts, which have been selling pretty well for me on eBay these past few months. I've found that the higher the BBM factor (Brokeback Mountain), the better they sell. Paisleys, florals, wild colors are the best. Check them out at my eBay store.
The drive home was lovely. We had to stop and enjoy the sunset for a while. It was just too good to merely drive by; it needed savoring.

Today we are heading to Santa Fe to visit friends and enjoy artwork for the rest of this week. We'll be making a day trip up to Taos, too. I'm looking forward to five days of vacation before I have to buckle down and get ready for my move.
Oh, I nearly forgot! I completed a mosaic project for my employer, La Paloma Hot Springs & Spa, last week. It is the top of a wicker desk that is in one of the nicer lodgings. They liked it so much, I've been commissioned to do a couple more pieces before I leave Truth or Consequences and probably a few more when I get back here next spring or summer. While I'm in Santa Fe, I need to get to Lowe's and stock up on some glass tiles, antiquing glaze, and other supplies. Here's the desk: